Saturday, June 13, 2009


Dante and Dusan are two of our talented buddies from the Chicago area. You may remember them from Oprah's Amazing Kids or various commericals and productions they've been featured in. These two talented boys and their mom Joyce are hosting the 1st Annual Tween Teen Talent Showcase.

Please visit their website for additonal information:

Friday Family Fun

I'm sure your family has a lot going on like ours does! Sometimes I do so much running around I can't think straight. Bri is our youngest daughter. She's 5 and has a lot to say.... all the time. I usually travel with her everyday of the week for either cheer or modeling. Thanks to schedules changing for the summer, we all finally have Friday off. I can't tell you when the last time in this decade this has happened.

So in honor of this "once in a million lifetime" event occurance, Bri and I decided to scour the net and find fun Friday things to do. First up.... Joy the Bakers, Brownie Bottom Ice Cream Cupcakes!!

Brownie Bottom Ice Cream Cupcakes

24 foil cupcake lines

browine batter

1/2 gallon of your favorite ice cream flavor

ice cream scooper, small spoon and warm water


chocolate ganache, whipped cream (optional)

Here's the step by step situation: Joy the Baker.

Be Everything That's You!

I'm blessed. My life has begun to take turns in ways I never imagined a year ago. I finally found the faith and courage to pursue a career in photography. I've always taken photos. I have scrapbooks full of them. I knew deep in my heart, I should be doing more with my photography, but didn't have the courage to push past my fears and just do it.

To all of you out there wanting to follow your dreams, don't put it off. Just do it! Yes it's scary. Yes, you'll have to make sacrifices. But it's better to be a whole person full of life and passion than to be an empty shell full of fear and regret.

Be Everything That's You!
be peculiar, distinctive
be uniquely unpredictable
a far cry from ordinary
be true
be everything that is you

Friday, June 12, 2009

Click the icons below to view the feature articles on The Big Picture

Acting/Modeling Photos - Dazzle Talent & Model Agency

The Brown Boys Head to Hollywood

Current Giveaways

Click the icons below to enter the current giveaways on The Big Picture

Mon June 29th


Dylan's Candy Bar